現貨Angel Tarot Cards天使塔羅牌卡朵琳英文版送翻譯.47
Positive, Loving, and Gentle Angel Tarot Cards
Tarot has long been revered for giving detailed and accurate forecasts. This is the first deck of tarot cards created that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy! All of the words in this deck, as well as the illustrations by Steve A. Roberts, are positive, while still retaining the magical effectiveness and meaning of traditional tarot. The accompanying guidebook walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself or others and explains the general meaning of each card.
Rich with symbolism and imagery – including angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids – the Angel Tarot Cards will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey!
塔羅牌長期以來一直以提供詳細而準確的預測而備受推崇。這是第一副100%溫和,安全和值得信賴的塔羅牌!這副牌中的所有文字,以及史蒂夫·A·羅伯茨(Steve A. Roberts)的插圖,都是積極的,同時仍然保留了傳統塔羅牌的神奇功效和意義。隨附的指南將引導您完成為自己或他人提供準確讀數的步驟,並解釋每張卡片的一般含義。
豐富的象徵意義和意象 – 包括天使,大天使,獨角獸,仙女和美人魚 – 天使塔羅牌將為您提供人生旅程的鼓舞人心的指導!
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