Essential Oil Oracle Cards芳療情感訊息卡威卡精油神諭卡(訂
This set of 90 cards will help you connect with the resonance of each essential oil so you can use that to help you learn, heal and grow. Each card provides you with information about the oil, such as corresponding chakra, as well as a message that you will use to help you access those deep aspects of yourself that need to heal.
You can use these cards alone or as a part of a multi-sensory journey with essential oils to help you gain clarity, release what is not serving you and shift your energy.
Why We Love It:
- These cards help you further understand the spiritually healing properties of essential oils.
- You can pick one card each day for continual reminders of who you are, why you’re here and how you can grow.
- Each card associates an essential oil with its deeper meaning and its healing properties.
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